International business consulting demand


  Since the nineteen ninties, the international economic environment took a new and profound changes. Social production network in the world has been formed, the traditional division pattern based on natural resources and products has been broken, the adjustment of the world industrial structure increase, the impact of economic globalization on the world is becoming more and more profound. With the changes of international environment, the international market homogeneous enhancement and transnational trade cost reduction, the international competition has shown new competition pattern of regional competition internationalization, localization of international competition, various subjects as competitors.In this international competition environment, if enterprises want to survive and develop, must participate in the global competition. But facing the huge change of business environment and the increase of the degree of environmental uncertainty, international entrepreneurship will inevitably encounter all kinds of obstacles and setbacks. Once the international entrepreneurship strategy failure, not only wasted a lot of money, but also will greatly affect the enterprise's internal stability and external image. The entrepreneurial organization needs a set of scientific and effective method to break the home market, integration of global resources, grasp the international business opportunities, reduce the international business risk, realize the maximization of enterprise value.


  Overall framework of international business consulting


  International business consulting of SLEEING includes three modules – international business decision-making, international Entrepreneurship preparation, international business implementation. Focus of the consultation is through the effective integration of enterprise resources, assist the business organization actively seize the overseas market growth opportunities with its international market experience.


  A. International entrepreneurial decision-making consultation


  It provide a lot of business opportunities for international entrepreneurs that existing national comparative advantage and differences in production, technology, business and various environmental factors. With global thinking entrepreneurs will actively participate in the international market, looking for business opportunities. Although there are many similarities between international business and domestic business, but international entrepreneurship involves a wider range, not controllable factors is more difficult to predict and grasp. Such as, nationalization risk, foreign exchange risk, legal risk, political risk, trade barriers and so on. Therefore, international entrepreneurs often need to focus on the opportunities and risks of domestic and foreign market.

  International entrepreneurial decision-making consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of opportunity study, feasibility study, strategic assessment and strategic choice as a means, to assist the entrepreneurial organization observation and examine the international and domestic environment, mining international market opportunities and growth required resources, timely adjustment of product structure and market positioning, enhance the entrepreneurial space and the value of entrepreneurship.


  B. International entrepreneurship preparation consultation


  Based on the feasibility study and strategic choice, international entrepreneurs need to identify partners, and signing of the international business contract through communicate, negotiation and compromise that lay the foundation for the implementation of the international entrepreneurship strategy. Compared with the domestic business, there exists great difference of the host country of traditional culture, economic and legal system, international entrepreneurs faced a greater uncertainty in the process of contract negotiations and signing. Lack of preparation is very easy to fall into a passive situation in the process of negotiations.

  The international entrepreneurial decision-making consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of partner survey, international business negotiation, international business contract as a means, to assist the entrepreneurial organization carefully selected partners, clever use of negotiation strategies and skills, reasonable grasp the terms of the contract, maximum avoid risk of international entrepreneurship preparation, create favorable conditions for international entrepreneurship strategy implementation.


  C. International Business implementation consultation


  Once the contract is concluded, it is legally binding on the parties to the contract, the parties must fully perform their obligations as stipulated in the contract. It is required to carry out the subject, object, time, place and method are correct. Compared with the domestic business, implementation of international business contracts faced different laws and regulations, practices and rules, policy requirements, methods and procedures. Some parties as to lack of legal knowledge, understand error about fulfill the contract, negligence and other reasons, easily lead to improper fulfillment of the contract. At the same time, in the fierce competition in the market economy society, trap and risk are often accompanied by the international business contract. Such as a party lacks sincerity proper fulfillment of contract, deliberately create vulnerabilities or flaws which led to economic interests of the other party suffers harm; the one side or both sides of unintended behavior, or because of one party or both parties concerned non intentional act, or the reasons cannot be attributed to both parties resulting in one or both parties damage etc..

  The international entrepreneurial decision-making consultation of SLEEING taking planning as the basis, taking consultation of foreign trade, foreign investment performance, performance of Greenfield investment, cross-border M&A performance, international business disputes as a means, to assist the business organization transfer international entrepreneurship strategy into strategic action, and choice appropriate method and way to solve disputes between the parties to a contract, maintain their own the legitimate rights and interests, reduce losses on both sides, and achieve "win-win".


International business consulting programme of SLEEING




  Value of international business consulting


  International business consulting of SLEEING according to supply and demand situation and international value in the international market, assist the entrepreneurial organization breakthrough resource constraints, occupy the overseas market, expanding international influence, improve the technological level and economic benefits.