Element integration consulting overview


  Element integration consulting of SLEEING taking the integration capability as the center, taking business strategy as the guidance, taking the "efficient, comprehensive, coordinated, matching" as the core value, covering major integration means in business life cycle, including enterprise set-up, project construction, enterprise alliance, mergers and acquisitions, enterprise reorganization, enterprise dissolution, enterprise bankruptcy, international business.

  Element integration consulting of SLEEING will assist entrepreneurs to overcome the path dependence of the original thinking and resource conditions, and to understand the trends in market value from the perspective of new entrants into the market, promptly and resolutely take the corresponding value creation action to obtain resources and ability needed to implement the business plan.


  Element integration consulting demand


  Conditions of production elements of entrepreneurial organization determines its whether and how to effectively use the entrepreneurial opportunity and eliminate potential threats, in order to obtain the lasting value of entrepreneurship. Facing the same entrepreneurial opportunities, entrepreneurs possessing different elements may make different strategic decisions, so that the advantages and development path of entrepreneurs have difference. With the development of productivity, the liquidity of production factors is faster, the influence of stakeholders on entrepreneurship is bigger, competition content vary from minute to minute, the intensity of competition more brutal, the competitive advantage based on specific elements can not be sustained. The long-term accumulation of dedicated resources and management experience can not become the powerful backing of response to environmental change, and is likely to become an obstacle to business continued under the domination of the inertia of thinking.

  Faced with complex and ever-changing business environment, entrepreneurial opportunities and entrepreneurial risk expand at the same time, the contradiction between demand for factors of production and its own is extremely prominent. Entrepreneurs need to use scientific methods to integrate stakeholders and functions separated from each other into a value creation system, in order to cope with changes in the environment and meet the needs of stakeholders.

  General idea of element integration consulting


  Element integration consulting of SLEEING taking business strategy as the guidance, with the increase and adjustment of factor endowment to make up for the shortfall of elements in a certain extent, enhance the entrepreneurial capacity, optimize the entrepreneurial tools and entrepreneurial path. Element integration consulting of SLEEING includes eight modules - enterprise set-up, project construction, enterprise alliance, mergers and acquisitions, enterprise reorganization, enterprise dissolution, enterprise bankruptcy, international business. Through the organic operation of eight modules, entrepreneurial organization gets all kinds of necessary resources and capabilities translating the entrepreneurial planning into actions and results, maximizing utility of elements, expanding value of enterprise.


  Overall framework of element integration consulting


  Element integration consulting of SLEEING taking the gap bridge model as the overall framework, covering all major integration means in business life cycle, including Enterprise set-up, project construction, enterprise alliance, mergers and acquisitions, enterprise reorganization, enterprise dissolution, enterprise bankruptcy, international business, and realizes the seamless integration between the modules. Element integration consulting of SLEEING can effectively bridge the elements gap between value management and precision innovation, together forming a breakthrough on the path dependence and implementing value creation action.


  A. Enterprise set-up consulting


  Enterprise set-up is that the entrepreneur set up a new legal entity to obtain production and operation qualification in accordance with legal procedures in the uncertain environment, in order to seize business opportunities and the effective integration of production factors. Enterprise set-up consulting of SLEEING through the new enterprise platform to effective integrate entrepreneurship resources such as technology, capital and team, help entrepreneurs find and use the valuable market opportunities in the uncertain environment, increase the likelihood of success.


  B. Project construction consulting


  Project construction is a task that can independently formed production capacity or use value through a series of non repetitive work under certain constraints. Project construction consulting of SLEEING through flexible use project management techniques and tools in many activities of entrepreneurial organizations, assist entrepreneurial organization to enhance the flexibility and integration of personnel and organization, and complete the action plan according to the predetermined time, cost and schedule.


  C. Enterprise alliance consulting


  Enterprise alliance is a combination of two or more than two enterprises that can achieve complementary resources, risk sharing, benefit sharing through equity participation or contract In order to common strategic objectives, but maintain their independence at the same time. Enterprise alliance consulting of SLEEING assist entrepreneurial organization to achieve economies of scale, resource complementarity, market development, technology innovation from the point of view of their own strategic objectives through equity participation or contracts and other means.


  D. Mergers and acquisitions consulting


  Mergers and acquisitions include mergers and acquisitions two meanings and two ways. Mergers often refers to an enterprise absorbs one or several enterprises, the absorbed company lost the qualification of legal person, absorption of enterprises obtained the right of decision control of the absorbed company. Acquisition refers to an enterprise to purchase one or several enterprises assets or equity, in order to obtain the ownership or control of these assets, and achieve certain economic goals. Mergers and acquisitions consulting of SLEEING through systematic operation assist entrepreneurship through mergers and acquisitions and other ways to realize the expansion of production scale, enhance the core business ability.


  E. Enterprise reorganization consulting


  Enterprise reorganization consulting is a process of reallocation of organization, human, financial, technical, management and other factors of production.
By establishing the model of production and management, Enterprise reorganization consulting of SLEEING, assist business organization to promote the entrepreneurial ability, cultivating dominant industry, eliminate the negative synergistic effect, to adapt to the changing environment.


  F. Enterprise dissolution consulting


  Dissolution refers to terminate established enterprises because of the occurrence of laws, regulations or the agreement stipulated reasons. The dissolution and liquidation is refers to clean up the enterprise's property, debt and rights according to the legal, regulations or rules after the dissolution appears, end the existing legal relationship of enterprises. Enterprise dissolution consulting of SLEEING through to clean up the enterprise's property , debt and rights according with the law, assist the entrepreneurial organization settle legal responsibility, avoid greater losses, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests.


  G. Enterprise bankruptcy counseling


  The bankruptcy of the enterprise is an enterprise fails to pay off its due debts, and the property is insufficient to pay off all debts or obviously lack of liquidity, all of its assets to creditors average compensation through legal procedures, so that other debt debtor can not pay off is relieved. Enterprise bankruptcy counseling of SLEEING through the refinement and optimization of bankruptcy liquidation management program, to assist the bankrupt or insolvent debtor enterprise to resolve the economic crisis, reconstruction of trade credit, reduce bankruptcy costs, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties.


  H. International Business Consulting


  International business refers to entrepreneurs breakthrough in home market restrictions, integration of global resources, grasp the business opportunities, realize the maximization of enterprise value. International business consulting of SLEEING through the judgment of the international resources and entrepreneurial opportunity, to assist the entrepreneurial organization breakthrough resource constraints, occupy the overseas market, expanding international influence, improve the technological level and economic benefits. 


  Entrepreneurship through the implementation of integrated elements, can put stakeholders and functional separated from each other into a value creation system, bridge the gap of elements between the value of entrepreneurship and precision innovation, solve the problem of enterprise tools to adapt to the changing environment.


The gap bridge model —— Overall framework of element integration consulting




  Value of element integration consulting


  Element integration consulting of SLEEING provides a set of complete and effective integration system for entrepreneurs. It will focus on the entrepreneurial factor gap、importance degree, availability, acquisition costs and other factors to choose elements integrated in an appropriate way, contribute to business organization break through the current limiting factors, improve the efficiency of factors allocation, form the core of entrepreneurship, the effective use of external opportunities and eliminate the threat. It will implement around enterprise strategy elements, elements, elements of the importance of gap of help to break through the existing elements of entrepreneurship organizational factors, improve the efficiency of factors allocation, the formation of the core business ability, effective use of external opportunities and eliminate the threat.