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Training courses of EOM(Entrepreneurial Opportunity Management)


  A. Analysis method of business environment


  1, Prominent problems


  Entrepreneurial opportunity lies in the change of business environment, has the characteristics of concealment, contingency, perishable, the times. These characteristics cause most people find it difficult to grasp, resulting in missed opportunities.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Through purposeful, organized looking for the object, speed, direction and relations of environmental change, found with the value of the business opportunities.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The method to identify entrepreneurial opportunities and threats through the macroscopic environment analysis;

  (2) The main analysis method of determine industry attractiveness.


   4, Follow up


  Assisting entrepreneurs to collection, monitoring, prediction and assessment of the most important influence factors according to entrepreneurial characteristics and operating their own needs, and expecting changes and trends in the macro environment, so as to identify opportunities and threat in business.


  B. The basic process and main methods of entrepreneurial opportunity choice


  1, Prominent problems


  Entrepreneurial opportunity at any time, but these opportunities can not give entrepreneurs bring excess profits ,only if it being developed by entrepreneurial creativity, and being scientific assessed and utilized. Otherwise, the seemingly excellent entrepreneurial opportunities, perhaps is a tender trap.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  To creative development of numerous business opportunities, and scientific assessment and utilization of it, in order to creatively adapt even changing business environment, reduce business risk, promote the sustainable development of enterprise.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The main method of opportunity recognition;

  (2) Opportunity assessment method system;

  (3) How to conduct entrepreneurship strategy choice.


  4, Follow up


  Assisting entrepreneurs to choose business opportunities which has higher value and can be grasped according to the resources available, personal perception and the degree of optimism, and realize the maximum utility of elements of production and operation.