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Training courses of EVM(Entrepreneurial Value Management) 

  A. How to realize the innovation of business model 

  1, Prominent problems 

  Innovation of entrepreneurial model belongs to the original innovation, it runs through the entire process of entrepreneurship. Today, the myriads of changes in the market, competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Entrepreneurs want to talent showing itself to grow and develop, must design their own, competitive, out of the ordinary business model. 

  2, Curriculum objectives 

  In order to maximize enterprise value, making the overall solution to realize the value added. 

  3, Content of the course

  (1) How to define and refine the source of value and development prospects contained in the entrepreneurial opportunities through the clear goal of value;

   (2) How to input, configure and exchange the media of value, and format the value of entrepreneurship through a specific form of organization;

   (3) How to input, configuration and exchange, and the formation of enterprise value, and enhance the interval of value-added through the unique value sharing mechanism; 

  4, Follow up 

  Assisting entrepreneurs to consider many problems in entrepreneurship, format the unique value network, innovate the fundamental objectives and internal driving ability, reduce dependence on specific resources, continue to create and transfer value of entrepreneurship. 

  B. Composition and application of entrepreneurship plan 

  1, Prominent problems 

  Different business plan prompted entrepreneurs take different actions, and eventually show different entrepreneurial effect. Entrepreneurs need through scientific and effective method to achieve synergy between short-term interests and long-term interests, its value and stakeholder value, and maximize the comprehensive advantages of entrepreneurial activities. 

  2, Curriculum objectives 

  To system analysis and descript the plan of entrepreneurial activity, and in written form. 

  3, Content of the course

  (1) How to set up the planning organization ;

  (2) How to measure the value space of the entrepreneurial model though business objectives system;

  (3) The process and method of screening business plan;

  (4) How to compile the plan fit the features of entrepreneurship according to the characteristics of entrepreneurship;

  (5) The main problems in the application of the business plan. 

  4, Follow up

  Assisting entrepreneurs to comb the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise, firm the objectives of entrepreneurship, develop business plans, in order to standardize the entrepreneurial activity, increase the chances of success for venture capital, bidding, apply for loans, commercial cooperation, project approval.