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Training courses of EIM(Element Integration Management)


  A. The new enterprise platform, the effective integration of enterprise resources


  1, Prominent problems


  If the entrepreneurs to engage in business activities, he must obtain the qualification of production or business by set up a new legal entity in accordance with the law, so as to improve the stability and sustainability of entrepreneurship. But the establishment of an enterprise is not licensed the moment, is not some independent events such as registered, but an innovative economic activity growing out of nothing and from simple to complex. The high degree of uncertainty requires entrepreneurs through the systemic method objectively examine their opportunities and risks, and make the right choice. Otherwise, he is bound to be the market.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  To familiar with the basic process and main methods of establishing new enterprises, improve the new enterprise's actual operation ability.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The structure of enterprise value target and the method of determining;

  (2) The main types of organization and its advantages and disadvantages;

  (3) The basic process and the main methods of technology integration;

  (4) The basic process and the main methods of team integration;

  (5) The basic process and the main methods of financial integration;

  (6) The basic process and the matters needing attention for the development of charter;

  (7) The basic process and the matters needing attention for the registration.


  4, Follow up


  Assisting entrepreneurs to set up a new legal entity in accordance with legal procedures in the uncertain environment, and access to production or business qualification, initially formed the ability to grasp business opportunities.


  B. Using project management techniques or tools to improve integration and flexibility of the staff and organization


  1, Prominent problems


  The project has a clear goal, time constraints, resource constraints, unified planning, multi-sectoral coordination, risk control and other characteristics, the conventional operation mechanism of enterprises are often incompetent in modern enterprise's goal, task scale and complexity. While the business organization problems of different degree is indifference concept, lack of talents, imperfect management system, non - standard operation procedure, technical advantage of project management is difficult to play, can not adapt to the needs of the majority of business organizations in the implementation of the project management.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Familiar with the basic process and the main methods of project management, and using project management tools to plan, project assessment, control, in order to meet or exceed target on time, according to quality and according to the budget.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The basic process and the main methods of project decision;

  (2) The basic process and points for attention in project contract;

  (3) The basic process and the main methods of the project contract management;

  (4) The basic process and the main methods of the project schedule management;

  (5) The basic process and the main methods of the project cost management;

  (6) The basic process and the main methods of project quality management;

  (7) The basic process and points for attention in contract closeout;

  (8) The basic process and points for attention in management closeout.


  4, Follow up


  Assisting entrepreneurs to use project management techniques or tools to coordinate different departments, different professional and technical personnel work, improve the flexibility and integration of personnel and organization, and complete the action plan according to the predetermined time, cost and schedule.


  C. Enterprise alliance is an important way to enhance the entrepreneurial organization flexibility and elasticity


  1, Prominent problems


  Enterprise alliance to help enterprises improve the market position, make full use of resources, access to economies of scale, reduce development risk, avoidance of legal obstacles, overcome trade barriers, so as to realize the goal itself. But our country is still in the primary stage of enterprise alliance, many entrepreneurs lack of long-term strategic objectives and consciousness of cooperation, alliance method is relatively simple, relatively extensive alliance management, difficult to effectively tap the potential value of the enterprise alliance, even because of the cultural conflict and interest predicament causes alliance member disunity, trapped in a "lose-lose".


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Familiar with the basic process and the main method of the establishment of enterprise alliance, improved the management level of enterprise alliance, the timely establishment of enterprise group.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The main aspects and matters needing attention of alliance decision;

  (2) The main content and the matters needing attention of alliance negotiations;

  (3) Key contents and methods of the common enterprise alliance management;

  (4) Key contents and methods of the commercial franchise management;

  (5) Key contents and methods of industrial technology innovation alliance management;

  (6) The main method and matters needing attention of alliance evaluation;

  (7) The group formation process and the matters needing attention.


  4, Follow up


  Assisting entrepreneurs to achieve economies of scale, resource complementarity, market development, technology innovation. through enterprise alliance from the point of view of their own strategic objectives.


  D. The basic process and main method of merger and acquisition system operation


  1, Prominent problems


  M & A is not only conducive to enterprises to achieve economies of scale, increase market capacity, enter the restricted market, obtain the target resource, reduce market risk and cost of new product development, improve the speed of expansion of the market, but also is an effective way to avoid excessive competition and achieve product differentiation. But M & A is a systematic engineering, involving a variety of factors of enterprises, with a greater risk. In this process, the majority of enterprises are often vulnerable to short-term interests of the temptation and rival stimuli due to excessive optimism and self-confidence, so ignore the law, greedy big, hot pursuit, eventually ended in failure.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Familiar with the process and the main methods of merger and acquisition, understand the special requirements of listing Corporation acquisition process, grasp the main means of reverse merger, improve the actual operation ability of M & A.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The main aspects and matters needing attention of M & a decision-making;

  (2) The basic process and main methods of due diligence;

  (3) The basic process and main methods of transaction planning;

  (4) The main contents and points for attention in merger talks;

  (5) Key contents and matters needing attention of merger agreement;

  (6) The process and matters needing attention of the merger agreement fulfillment;

  (7) Legal requirements of information disclosure in the process of listing Corporation acquisition and the matters needing attention;

  (8) The main means of reverse acquisition and its effect evaluation.


  4, Follow up


  Assisting entrepreneurs to systematic operation resource sharing, complementary advantages, harmony and unity of M & A, in order to improve efficiency, reduce the risk, expand the scale of production, enhance the entrepreneurial ability, ensure the sustainable development.


  E. Recombinant production factor, remodeling business advantage in change


  1, Prominent problems


  Enterprise reorganization is a means of the element combination again. Through the reorganization, enterprises can obtain the strategic opportunity, optimize the allocation of resources, resolve the crisis, increase the value of entrepreneurship. But the recombinant applicable conditions harsh, involves a very wide, integration is difficult, conflicts of interest and potential risk in various forms. If regardless the internal relation between business and factors and legal requirements, one-sided pursuit of scale and short-term interests, easy to induce chaos in business management, main business desalination, core business ability loss, some even become the tools of embezzlement of state-owned assets, occupation of the interests of investors, finally put some enterprises into the gutter.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Master the basic process and the main methods of enterprise restructuring, familiar with particular requirements of listing Corporation reorganization and restructuring of state-owned enterprises, mining and reengineering value of the enterprise, enhance the entrepreneurial capacity.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) Focus and matters needing attention of the restructuring plan evaluation;

  (2) Main contents and matters needing attention of the tax planning;

  (3) The recombinant valuation methods and pricing law;

  (4) The main contents of the agreement and the matters needing attention;

  (5) Listing Corporation reorganization process and the matters needing attention;

  (6) The state-owned enterprise restructuring process and the matters needing attention.


  4, Follow up


  Assisting entrepreneurs to optimize allocation of resources, restructuring business front, enable enterprises to obtain business advantage in the change, and usher in a new development opportunity.


  F. Enterprise dissolution in conformity with legal provisions, seek new development path


  1, Prominent problems


  In the modern social and economic life, as a natural person, enterprises have a natural process of generation, growth, aging, until the termination. When the enterprise is in the dilemma of development or management deadlock, normal operation is difficult to create profits, enterprises through dissolution can avoid greater losses, seek new development path, realize the maximization of their own interests. The termination of the enterprise is a common phenomenon, but its investors, creditors of the business, the debtor and the employees and other stakeholders will produce major effect. Prior to the termination, Enterprise should clear various related interest, destroy the rights and obligations between the enterprise and the related subjects, otherwise it will affect the stable social order, and receive proper legal sanctions.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Familiar with the main solution When the entrepreneurial organizations occurs the reasons for terminating, master the causes of dissolution and basic process, understand the legal requirements of Enterprise dissolution, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The main reason of Enterprise dissolution and the liquidation group note;

  (2) Executing conditions, sequence and method of the Enterprise dissolution;

  (3) The basic processes and precautions of the end of dissolution.


  4, Follow up


  Assisting entrepreneurs to clean up the enterprise property and debts according to the legal, regulations or rules, end existing law relationship between enterprises, avoid greater losses, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests.


  G. Reduce bankruptcy costs, reconstruction of trade credit


  1, Prominent problems


  Market economy is a competitive economy, in the action of law of value, the survival of the fittest can hardly be avoided, bankruptcy become an important way for failure enterprises to withdraw from the market. But compared with the ongoing businesses, great changes have taken place after going through the procedures of bankruptcy, such as the internal control subject and stakeholder etc. The bankruptcy liquidation is easy to damage the interests of creditors, resulting in the loss of state-owned assets, defiled the bankruptcy legal system, harm social stability. Such as fraud, bribery, illegal liquidation etc..


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Familiar with the bankruptcy application conditions and the basic flow, grasp the main way for enterprises to regeneration, reduce the cost of bankruptcy, reconstruction of trade credit.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The bankruptcy application conditions and insolvency administrator of the selection considerations;

  (2) The bankrupt property cleaning process and the matters needing attention;

  (3) The basic process and the matters needing attention of the bankruptcy claims defining;

  (4) Main way for enterprises to regeneration and the matters needing attention;

  (5) The basic process and the matters needing attention of the bankruptcy liquidation.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the bankrupt or insolvent debtor enterprise to resolve the economic crisis, the reconstruction of trade credit, reduce bankruptcy costs, protection of the debtor, creditors and other stakeholders interests.


  H. Grasp the opportunities for international entrepreneurship, integration of global resources


  1, Prominent problems


  With the changes of international environment, the international market homogeneous enhancement and transnational trade cost reduction, the international competition presents the regional competition internationalization, localization, of international competition, diversification of competition. In this international competition environment, if enterprises want to survive and develop, must participate in the global competition. But in face of the huge change in the business environment and increasing the degree of environmental uncertainty, international entrepreneurship will inevitably encounter all kinds of obstacles and setbacks. Once the failure of international entrepreneurship strategy, not only all one's efforts wasted a lot of money, but also will greatly affect the enterprise's internal stability and external image.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Master the process and method of international entrepreneurial decision, understand the basic process and method of international business negotiation, familiar with the basic mode of international business practices, such as foreign trade, greenfield investment, cross-border M & A, through the international entrepreneurship breakthrough resource constraints, occupy the overseas market, expanding international influence, improve the technological level and economic benefits.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The basic process and the main methods of international entrepreneurial decision;

  (2) The international business negotiation process and the matters needing attention;

  (3) The main parts and matters needing attention of foreign trade contract signing and performance;

  (4) The main parts and matters needing attention of green investment contract signing and performance;

  (5) The main parts and matters needing attention of transnational merger contract sign and implement;

  (6) International business dispute resolution methods and matters needing attention.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the entrepreneurial organization breakthrough in home market, integration of global resources, grasp the international business opportunities, reduce the international business risk, realize the maximization of enterprise value.