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Training courses of PIM(Precision Innovation Management)


  A. Formatting duties and power relations system to adapt to the changing environment through the organization innovation


  1, Prominent problems


  The entrepreneurial organization is cured and ensure the entrepreneurial model, a good business model must be confirmed in order to guarantee the stability and sustainability through a certain organization. But a lot of business organization has obvious family characteristics, such as only one big share, complex ownership structure, be a law onto oneself, appoint people by favouritism. This organization mode is not conducive to cooperation between investors, the introduction of excellent management personnel and improve the scientific management decision-making, reduce the credit level of enterprise, increased business risk, led to banks and investors reluctant to their loans and investments.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  There are objective, system establishment, adjustment and innovation entrepreneurship organizational responsibility structure, organization scale, channels of communication, role orientation, the relationship between the organization and other organizations, so as to formatting the duties and power relations system which can adapt to the change of the organizational environment, technology characteristics and organization's mission.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) Setting reasonable corporate governance mode to ensure the appropriateness of business planning and decomposition layers, transfer and implementation in the operation level;

  (2) Using the organizational structure appropriate to improve the ability to adapt to the environment;

  (3) Selecting a suitable management mode to enhance organizational lateral communication, longitudinal control and process optimization;

  (4) The principle and method of function further refinement of the functional units or departments;

  (5) Perfect and effective internal control system is the behavior rule of enterprise management activities.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the entrepreneurial organization effectively balance the horizontal communication and longitudinal control, in order to improve entrepreneurial organization efficiency, realize the business plan objectives.


  B. Through the human resources innovation to create high-quality entrepreneurial team


  1, Prominent problems


  Talent is the source and carrier of entrepreneurial ability, but a lot of entrepreneurial organization generally has some prominent problems, such as the standardization degree of entrepreneurial team building and management is very low, attraction for a highly qualified team members is weak, the team division of responsibilities is not reasonable, incentive and training measures are not in place. If these problems can not be timely adjusted, will to some extent resulting in low staff morale, the core talents job-hopping, staff turnover rate increased, there might even improve not mature enterprise disintegration speed.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Planning, organization, leadership and control the process of obtain, develop, maintain and use human resource, ensure proper human resources available at the right time.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The content and process of human resource planning;

  (2) The content and the process of job analysis;

  (3) The main link and channel selection of recruitment;

  (4) Effective ways and means to improve business performance through training and development;

  (5) The main method and way of distribution and the adjustment work;

  (6) The main part and skills of mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the staff through the salary management system;

  (7) The main contents of management of labor relations in enterprises and improving way.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the business organization development, conservation and use the most suitable talent for key positions, in order to make compensation, incentive measures and implementation of the enterprise planning well together.


  C. Through the innovation of financial resources to optimize financing structure


  1, Prominent problems


  Financial resources are not sufficient to direct the formation of enterprise competitive advantage, but the scarcity of financial resources of the enterprise requirements for arrangement and rational allocation of financial resources. The entrepreneurial organization generally have some inherent defects, such as widespread lack of credit, management confusion, mortgage (guarantee) assets are insufficient, asymmetric information, high operating risk etc.. This resulted difficulties in financing and the financial gap in most entrepreneurial organization, difficult to play the entrepreneurial organization flexibility advantage.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  According to the characteristics of its own resources, enterprise funds combined in different mode of formation and allocated between the different economic purposes, in order to optimize the investment and financing structure.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The content and methods of financial analysis;

  (2) Type and detailed financial planning;

  (3) The method and program of overall budget;

  (4) The main type of capital raising and the method of structure optimization;


  4, Follow up


  Assist the entrepreneurial organization according to the characteristics of capital needs of different stages of entrepreneurship development, combined with the entrepreneurial planning to choose suitable financing arrangement, financing structure and investment portfolio, improve the scarce resource output rate -- the rate of return on capital.


  D. To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of information resources allocation through information resources innovation


  1, Prominent problems


  With the rapid development of information technology, information resources throughout the whole process of entrepreneurship. Who occupy the information, who will be able to timely and effectively to develop business planning, priority to occupy the market, thereby enhancing entrepreneurship ability, promote the value of entrepreneurship. Suffer from interference and influence of various factors, information obtained by entrepreneurial organization often exists some information barriers, such as information surplus, information blocking, or incomplete information, inadequate information, untimely information etc..Under certain conditions, information barriers will lead to information distorted, for instance information delay, information limit, information waste, thereby increasing the information acquisition cost, reduce the information value, affect the enterprise economic benefit.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Adjust the anticipation of the distribution and assignment of information, improve efficiency and effectiveness of information resource allocation, promote the formulation and implementation of the business plan.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The contents and methods of information resources analysis;

  (2) Types and refinement of information resources planning;

  (3) Approaches and methods of information resources collection and processing;

  (4) The main method of selection and organization of information resource;

  (5) The main way and method for storage and retrieval of information resources;

  (6) The matters needing attention of information transmission and feedback.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the entrepreneurial organization reasonable allocation and layout of information, people, information equipment and information facilities, so that information from huge disordered to ordered classification, from noise upgrade to the knowledge and wisdom, as small as possible the cost to obtain the benefit as large as possible , to maximize the value of information.


  E. Through technical innovation to meet market demand


  1, Prominent problems


  The advent of knowledge economy era, the technology in enterprise management in a more important position, correct and appropriate technology strategy has become the key to win the competitive advantage. But the business organization usually has a weak sense of innovation, innovation system is not perfect, innovation method is backward, innovation means a single and many other issues. This leads to entrepreneurial organization is difficult to meet the real needs of the market, and seriously with the survival and development of enterprise.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Establish and perfect the innovation system of technology, standardization technology innovation process management, improve the ability of technology innovation, to meet the real market demand, improve entrepreneurial organization market position.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The basic process and main method of technological innovation project selection;

  (2) The basic process and main method of technology innovation project planning;

  (3) The basic process and main method of technology innovation project implementation;

  (4) The basic process and main method of finishing technology innovation project;


  4, Follow up


  Assist the entrepreneurial organization realize the combination of production factors by continue to carry out technical innovation,, and to be successful in the market.


  . Through innovation of production and operation to expand the business value space


  1, Prominent problems


  Realize the value of entrepreneurship must ultimately be reflected in the degree of innovation enterprises to provide products or services, and product or service innovation depends largely on the production and operation enterprise innovation ability. But some business organizations exist production planning, production and operation system, lack of narrow production process confusion, unstable product quality, waste phenomenon is serious, the market reaction speed is slow and many other issues, leading to serious conflicts of interest, Department of production and operation efficiency, and realize the serious influence enterprise planning.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  To establish a market-oriented consciousness, form the planning of production and operation, set up and improve the system of production and operation, expand the business value space.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) Planning production and operation system according to the enterprise strategic target;

  (2) The main course and content about how to design the production and operation system;

  (3) The main aspects and content in the running of the production and operation system;

  (4) Evaluation and improvement the production and operation system according to the market changes.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the entrepreneurial organization optimal allocation of production resources, rational allocation of production tasks, ensure smooth operation of production system, in order to better meet the needs of society, maximize the target of value-added and entrepreneurial planning objectives.


  G. More efficient transfer the desired goods or services of the target market through marketing innovation


  1, Prominent problems


  With the coming of post - industrial era, consumer demand are more diversified. This provides more business opportunities for entrepreneurs, also requires enterprises to better understand the target market's needs and desires, more efficient transfer the desired goods or services of the target market, to better meet the needs and desires of the target market. But because of the limitations of management concept and resource conditions in the entrepreneurial organization, it is difficult to provide comprehensive support for the consumer, so that consumers often have misgivings in the purchase of enterprise products.


  2, Curriculum objectives


  Analysis changes of business environment and customer needs, formulate specific enterprise marketing planning, understanding the process,method and matters needing attention of implementation and improvement of marketing planning.


  3, Content of the course


  (1) The strategy and method about realizing the goal of marketing;

  (2) The process and the matters needing attention about the implementation of marketing planning;

  (3) Marketing improvement according to changes in the business environment and customer needs.


  4, Follow up


  Assist the entrepreneurial organization set up the modern management idea, seek the best target market, innovate product development and management, speed up the product realization process, to ensure the smooth implementation of the business plan.